How to finish 24 Carrot: 2

Turn downward at the residence hall and click on fairly the same place, where you received the dish. (I became qu' make; before j' it goes turning and say to the toilet hall which can be ordered from you.) at Charlie it that you found its cat. it becomes you l' this thing.gometally give; Factory will go and from the machine to jusqu' upward; work on; , which it to this baige jusqu' wall.go climbed down; at its inside it goo.climb the greenish jusqu' at this machine the thingandklicken a small d' edge; the transition becomes jusqu' open thing.go; at this qu' u see this will thing.

They find transporter.go upward on that a thelittle for edgethen, bigedge. Now expect some seconds.thosesachen qu' close upper parts and open remind just now to the fact that 1.2-1.2-1.2…. 2 ęrs this are simple, but 3. is a little hard.try, l' again.whenversuch your fact this prt you a rat to see. expect jusqu' at this qu' it goes far away from you and goes to jusqu' that you edge.jump over it see. and if the rat goes toward the rights, leap on far.

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