Act Against Bullying History

In 2000, Louise Burfitt-Dons wrote a series of 40 anti-bullying monologues for teachers in the class entitled to use the law against bullying. A playwright (born in Louise Byres), whose daughter had been bullied at school , Burfitt-Dons, the current advice to victims simply believe the situation report that this will lead to reprisals. The law against bullying monologues were published in 2001 While the exact deceit played the newer forms of bullying, but it was clear that what people want to know what to do. "I did not realize what I've started," said Burfitt-Dons. They formed a voluntary organization with the name of the law against bullying in 2002 to give some practical advice.

The love began with the profile and also a kind of bullying, how to cause an emergency on an intentional exclusion, isolation in a crowd and issued advisory leaflets for teachers and coping tips for teenage victims. The organization began collecting funds and registered with the Charity Commission in October 2003. Although an independent nonprofit organization exclusively of volunteers, it helped because thousands of children and their parents through their anti-bullying activities and the law against bullying website. AAB for The Guardian Charity Award 2008 nominated

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