The Animatrix Beyond


Beyond written and directed by Koji Morimoto. It follows a young girl, Yoko (Hedy Burress), looking for her cat Yuki. During the hearing in the neighborhood, target somewhere in Japan, she meets some younger boys. One of them told her, Yuki is a haunted house, and invites them to see.

The children have stumbled on an amalgamation of anomalies within an old, broken buildings. They have learned to take advantage of this disturbance in the matrix for their own pleasure, on some areas that seem to defy real world physics: glass bottles reassemble after being shaken, rain falls from a sunny sky, broken light bulbs flicker briefly (where they apparently intact), opens a door into the void, I do not close in the shade with their physical origin, and a dove, the spring in the air quickly. There is a large open space in the middle, where they took turns jumping a peak and fall to the ground but stop inches before impact, this proves amusing and they seem unbothered by the inherent strangeness.

Although the film short sequences show that the agent is aware of the problem in the matrix, and a truck on the road to the site is probably related to the problem. It comes while the children still play and an agent-led team of "rodent exterminator" to clear all of his moves. The story ends when Yoko and the others back on the field the next day. You try in vain to re-do the bizarre events of yesterday and will soon be looking for something else.

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