Completing Astro-Knights on poptropica

Completing Astro-Knights on poptropica
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I didn't have anything to do with it I swear. I haven't been on poptropica in a long time mainly because I'm waiting on the new island. I'm srry ur account was lost but I stopped helping people because if I did and they publically posted their account info someone else could have gotten to it. And then i would have been accused of hacking that persons account.

shouldnt they put a make your own island so you can make your own island and its only on your file right shouldnt they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you please help me on that island all I need to do isfix the flying saucer but I don't have the alien water thing so can you help me,I'll messeage you my username and password

ill message u my user and pass BUT U BETTER NOT MESS ANYTHING UP!!! now i can'y figure out how to get back to space cuz i left. just get me back to space, go to the castle, solve the puzzle. dont do anything else cuz i wanna do it!

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