Poptropica’s Been Costume Crazy

Costume Poptropica's Been CRAZY! They have added a costume, one by one! And the first time up, before you begin to wonder why I poptropica (Gazek) posting 2 posts in a row, let's just say just because everyone else seems busy today. : P 3 Released Poptropica's new costume, Total Pop Star Limited (All The PHB is a bit late to provide information on), The Little Demon Costume (Little Demon?) And Angel Costume. Number of Limited Pop Star Is basically a version of the Golden Pop Star. What is surprising is that It Is called the Limited Number, Instead Limited Edition. It has the same format as a limited edition card, with shiny gold card and a metal edge, except that the amount was limited.

I'm pretty sure that this is because there are only a limited number of them ... And like now, Poptropica is Permanently (perhaps temporary) of the shares. And, now About Little Demon ... I have to say that such a funky name. Having Super-Duper-Blood ~ Red-Killer Pitch Fork (At least that's what I thought was called) and the odd red mask. Just weird. Also he had a devil tail, and black wings, horns ... God. When you press the space bar, the "Little Demon" Pitch Fork Lift it, and twirls it around, like a Karate Master. Are angels similar to what you think about Angel: With A Golden Halo, White Bed, White Wings .. And a harp. That action was not much space ... This is only the angels wings .. Type Useless, Eh?

Poptropica Costume crazy! Has been added to the fashion, one by one! First up, before you start poptropica wondering why I Gazek (2) published posts in a row, let's just say just because everyone else seems busy today. : P

Poptropica release 3 new modes and a pop star (what, and PHB little late) for reporting), and the Small Satan Costume (Little Satan?) And Angel Costume. In a limited number of pop stars is basically a gold version of the pop star. What is surprising is that it is a limited amount, instead of a limited edition. Has the same form of limited edition cards, cards with gold and shiny metal edge, but limited. I believe that this is because there are only a limited number of them ... So far, Poptropica permanent) (may be temporarily out of stock. And now the little devil ... I would say that such a funky name. He's got super-duper red blood field ~ killer fork (at least that's what I thought was called) and a mask red terrible. just curious.

He also got the devil's tail, and black wings and horns of God .... When you press the space bar, the "Little Satan" Elevator to the evil deeds, and the roundabout and around, like the Master of Karate. Would you like an angel what you think of the staff: the golden halo, and a white robe, White Wings and a harp ... This is a working space bar is not much ... it was just an angel wings .. the type of person who is not useful, eh?

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