The Golden Egg on Poptropica Game

The Golden Egg
Must poptropica early. Three houses away, go to the next pig. Go If you are one step below the one you need to well. Go to the alley right side.Then up.You Gurosutikku. To Arcos poptropica towers. Arcos down.YOU than move then please refer to the hole and then plant the seeds The ACOSS ACOSS Daundaundaun, Paco do a pole in eggs. For Short Cuts ACOSS ACOSS down down. Wacth for the spider right please. All the way to go. Go to Poptropica towers.

Then, keep jumping on the roof. Gaint and to ACOSS times.then buket drunk the water he can go find egg.then give. To maintain ACOSS dressing. Next, find the jet pack. Go around back.then. Also fly Poptropica that she get a flag. Then, Gowing, the ground falls sowers.keep If you are a pig atfter please rise. To move the top to stop Poptropica pig The HIM, pigs. Then, give the man buket Wed. Man goes to his flag It is a flag that is if the boat Geta coin.

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