Time Tangled Island

Time Tangled Island:
1. da Vinci notebook, the statue of liberty is built.
2. Mount Everest is the day on a small model of the statue.
3. Edmund s' in time of the Aztecs glasses.
4. The on their own gramophone in acient Greece and Delphi.
5. ther talk to two seas. beacuz you to talk with China on the sea, the sea You sea to observe and talk with people who live in Mali Text navigation.
6. on chimney of the house is part of the stone on top of the Sun
7. on the time of Lewis and Clark, Ü leaves on the tree climbing is not
Even if no top-level about you, but it seems choped.
The tree at the top, you will stand down on a sea stone bowl.
8. Leonardo da Vinci has won the time peace ambiguity.
9. in all places and times, and lost some things you find something there.

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