Time Twisted Island

Phonograph: The phonograph is the first time on the construction of the Treasury.

Nobel Peace Prize: There is (at the bottom of Lenardo notice to attend to all ages This workshop is now Lenardo) Gets the location. I can not really describe it. Later, the top platform, which is given directly to the right Platfor it Under ~.

Gold Vase: Get explosive barrel in Great Wall of China men play in the context Memory. Go to the buffet and then go to the cave. Back on the rock hit. Then go to Heading in the right direction, as fast and doge MI is your torch down. Tip: To get the right to be let in. She was not time to jump on the rock platform above.

Notebook: Go to the Statue of Liberty to get the statue. High jump and As the title when the left and you will receive the best platform Please specify below. the notepbook.

Piece of the Sun: Workshop on the Edison.

Amulet: In China, talking to people on the platform, then you can tell us his game. If he give you a talisman to win.

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