Poptropica Nabooti Video | Mountains of the Moon

Mountains of the Moon. (
Poptropica Nabooti )

Okay, once you get past the first goat and the water, you come to another goat near a high ledge. don't worry, nobody expects you to jump onto the ledge by yourself-just jump on the goat and it'll butt you up! Then, jump onto the nearby tree and find the Nabooti woman-she shouldn't be far away.

Talk to her, then find the cactus fig and jump to it. She doesn't want it, so you get to keep it. Then, go to the right , jump across the waterfall, and keep going until you reach more ledges. jump on, but watch the goat! It's not supposed to be helpful, unless you can somehow get it to propel you across the gap. By this time you should have learned to watch for boulders. keep jumping across the gaps until you get to the snow capped ledges.

These are slippery, by the way. Follow them, and slide down the snowy slope. Eventually you'll come to an old guy. get close enough and he'll challenge you to a game of mancala. If you win,he lets you into the cave. From there' all you have to do is go inside, find the jewel and get out.

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