Big Nate Island : Science Laboratory Guide

Big Nate Island Science Laboratory Guide: They now are except l' School, where there is a large bell on the surface (more d' Information can be found later in the leader). Steer toward your rights and go to l' l' inside; School. AT l' d' inside; there is a science laboratory, some lowering shelves of the personnel, one possession-resounds and a secret hall. If you go toward your rights, upward l' jumps from the stairs and seizes; amusing stand. Go into the marked door inside „to laboratory of the science “on their left ones. Once at l' Inside of the hall made your kind beside the connoisseur of the science, a boy with the designation Francis.

Click on surface chemistry adjusted beside it. Ignite the preheater at 4 on then pour half of the beaker with the blue liquid and half with the yellow, which will make a greenish color. This will produce an article - a “stink bomb “. It will be later useful.

Made a leap to their left ones toward the skeleton-like model of Mr. Bones and l' seizes; amusing stand on the motive for planet. Made your exit of the science laboratory and outside of the l' School.

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