Poptropica Skullduggery Island Walkthrough Part 1

Poptropica Skullduggery Island Walkthrough Part

L' the island Skullduggery concerning the pirates is. YOU take your own boat, unite a crew and a test to determine wealth by the trade to several ports. YOU also l' to help; island for débarasser d' a trouble of pirate, who is conducted by the dangerous and dreadful pirate, captain Crawfish. This new island will be more complicated than previous examine of Poptropica and under a good number of d' other things she will include a very fresh point of view of top downstairs such as you d' travels; a place to l' other one.

And to maintain it interestingly, you d' must fight; other boats of same pirate and monsters of sea. L' the adventure starts to strong Ridley, an island to the middle d' a small archipelago which was dug out by the general confessed pirate, captain Crawfish. When you on l' arrives; island, you the islanders must help, who in to blame the extreme poverty to l' to live; crayfish which plunders. After you helped the islanders, you the legend d' to discover; a valid card of treasure. Soon you your own boat and obtain a small crew and veils d' entirely to find the pieces of the card and to try finally the captain Crawfish and its demolish crew of the dreadful pirates.

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