Lego Bionicle Glatorian Legends Advertisement Walkthrough On Poptropica Games

Lego Bionicle Glatorian Legends Advertisement Walkthrough On Poptropica Games !

There is a new ad Poptropica mission in the week. There are many of these missions advertising lately. This is Lego Bionicle Legends Glatorian and I think you are a boy character can, so you see it. If you usually a girl character, just a new account to do this mission. It is very short and simple, but the prices are only available at the end a lot of fun.

The entrance is at the same place as other ad-missions. Go to the Main Street part of almost every island (I've tried Astro Knights and Early Poptropica) and you will see. They merely talk to the Lego robot type. He will tell you that he is your help in getting water for the needs of his tribe. When you're ready to walk off and go right to the cave.

The cave is like a maze. The water in a pool in the middle and one must first look to one side and then the air jet thing that you shoot into a platform, you can in the middle. It is easier to explain with pictures and videos so check them below. When you water, you work out again and back to the robot type in the beginning until the premiums.

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