Poptropica Nabooti Island Part 4 ( four )

Poptropica Nabooti Island Part 4 ( four )

You really need more work on Mancala. I have in practice, if I play Club Penguin to win, so my first attempt. I request you to practice.

People! Does theres none 2 2 Resources for him lol, cuz he jst cnt beet mancala doesent mean you have 2 AV him laugh, it takes time and JST ITS A FUCKING VIDEO GAME!

The GAM Mnacalla with soooo difficult. Made me almost 10 tries to get! So all ya;).

Wow. That took a while on mancala. lol. I have the game at home, so i won on the first try. Good vid tho.

u really suk at mancala. i beat it on my first try. haha

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